Mar 3, 2021 | 2021, Conversations Live, Health and Fitness, Science & Spirituality, The Healing Power of Your Breath, Tibetan Yoga, Video Archive
(65 minutes) An online discussion with Judith Simmer-Brown, Shirley Telles, Geshe Tenzin Wangyal, and Alejandro Chaoul-Reich on the benefits of focused breathing in contemplative practices such as yoga and Buddhist
Feb 10, 2021 | 2021, Conversations Live, Interfaith Discussion, Talks in Tibetan, Video Archive
མི་ཚེའི་བདེ་སྐྱིད་ཀྱི་རྩ་བ། — Broadcast is in Tibetan language with consecutive English translation. What is the true source of happiness? In a Facebook Live conversation, nuns from three spiritual
Feb 9, 2021 | 2021, Conversations Live, Health and Fitness, Science & Spirituality, Tibetan Yoga, Video Archive
In the first of a series of 2021 Science & Spirituality Dialogs on wellness of body, breath, and mind, invited panelists discuss the mind-body connection in
Feb 7, 2021 | 2021, Conversations Live, Video Archive
Behind the scenes of each CyberSangha broadcast, a lively team of devoted volunteers around the world is supporting the efforts of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. In a live internet broadcast, Rinpoche
Jan 3, 2021 | 2020, 2021, Conversations Live, Music, Film and the Arts, Video Archive
Welcome to the CyberSangha® Online Film Festival! Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche is pleased to present a series of wonderful documentaries related to the Tibetan Bön tradition, each offering its own, unique perspective of
Jan 3, 2021 | 2021, Conversations Live, Music, Film and the Arts, Video Archive
Welcome to the CyberSangha® Online Film Festival, and a screening of three short 1998 documentaries (47 minutes total) followed by panel discussion
Jan 2, 2021 | 2021, Conversations Live, Music, Film and the Arts, Video Archive
Welcome to the CyberSangha® Online Film Festival and the screening of the 64-minute documentary The Light of the Golden Sun. Immediately after the screening, director
Dec 27, 2020 | 2020, Conversations Live, Music, Film and the Arts, Video Archive
Welcome to the CyberSangha® Online Film Festival and a screening of the award-winning documentary “In Search of Zhang Zhung.” Immediately after
Dec 26, 2020 | 2020, Conversations Live, Music, Film and the Arts, Video Archive
Welcome to the CyberSangha® Online Film Festival and a screening of the award-winning documentary “Hidden Treasure of Bön: Secrets of Mustang,” followed by panel
Dec 20, 2020 | 2020, Conversations Live, Music, Film and the Arts, Video Archive
Welcome to the CyberSangha® Online Film Festival, and the screening of the award-winning 53-minute documentary Bön in Dolpo. Panel discussion follows shortly after the
Dec 19, 2020 | 2020, Conversations Live, Music, Film and the Arts, Video Archive
Welcome to the CyberSangha® Online Film Festival, and the screening of the award-winning documentary Bön: Mustang to Menri. In a separate broadcast shortly after
Dec 13, 2020 | 2020, Conversations Live, Music, Film and the Arts, Video Archive
Welcome to the CyberSangha® Online Film Festival, and a screening of the award-winning, 91-minute documentary Bön and the West! In a separate broadcast immediately after
Dec 12, 2020 | 2020, Conversations Live, Music, Film and the Arts, Video Archive
Welcome to the CyberSangha® Online Film Festival, and a screening of a short film about the making of the documentary “Ponse Lama: Divine Protector”! Immediately after the
Dec 6, 2020 | 2020, Conversations Live, Interfaith Discussion, Talks in Tibetan, Video Archive
(89 minutes) In a live online conversation hosted by Geshe Tenzin Wangyal and Khenpo Gyurmey Dorjee, nuns from six spiritual traditions of Tibet offer their advice for
Nov 22, 2020 | 2020, Conversations Live, Interfaith Discussion, Video Archive
(91 minutes) In a live Internet broadcast hosted by Geshe Tenzin Wangyal, His Holiness Kenting Tai Situ Rinpoche explains how all experiences of life, whether joyful or challenging, can be
Nov 19, 2020 | 2020, Conversations Live, Talks in Tibetan, Video Archive
(86 minutes) In a live Internet broadcast hosted by Geshe Tenzin Wangyal, four invited Tibetans — Kunsel Dawa, Nyima Drakpa Rinpoche, Tsering Wangmo, and Yungtra — recite a variety of Tibetan proverbs. These are
Nov 15, 2020 | 2020, Conversations Live, Interfaith Discussion, Serving Others, Talks in Tibetan, Video Archive
In a live Internet broadcast, esteemed teachers of six spiritual traditions of Tibet answer viewers’ questions about the power of compassion in one’s life and one’s spiritual practice. The conversation is in Tibetan with simultaneous translation into
Nov 1, 2020 | 2020, Conversations Live, Talks in Tibetan, Video Archive
(73 minutes) In a live Internet broadcast hosted by Geshe Tenzin Wangyal, some of the best-known living poets/scholars of Tibet — Lama Jabb, Jangbu, Tsering Kyi and Geshe Beri Jigmey Wangyal — recite a variety
Oct 18, 2020 | 2020, Conversations Live, Music, Film and the Arts, Video Archive
(76 minutes) Four Tibetan musicians share their artistry and personal perspectives in an online CyberSangha concert hosted in English by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. Featured are Tenzin
Oct 14, 2020 | 2020, Conversations Live, Interfaith Discussion, Talks in Tibetan, Video Archive
(69 minutes, Tibetan language only) In a live Internet broadcast hosted by Geshe Tenzin Wangyal, invited guests recite a variety of Tibetan proverbs — old sayings typically
Oct 4, 2020 | 2020, Conversations Live, Interfaith Discussion, Serving Others, Talks in Tibetan, Video Archive
In a live Internet broadcast, esteemed teachers of six spiritual traditions of Tibet discuss the power of compassion in one’s life and one’s spiritual practice. The conversation is in Tibetan with simultaneous translation into
Sep 19, 2020 | 2020, Conversations Live, Interfaith Discussion, Video Archive
(70 minutes) In a Facebook Live conversation, distinguished guests Father Francis Tiso and Venerable Geshe Lhakdor join host Geshe Tenzin Wangyal in a discussion of faith and
Sep 18, 2020 | 2020, Conversations Live, Science & Spirituality, Video Archive
(61 minutes) Esteemed scientists/academicians Menas C. Kafatos and David E. Presti join host Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche in a discussion of mind and reality, from the perspective of
Aug 16, 2020 | 2020, Conversations Live, Healing Pain Through Meditation, Interfaith Discussion, Talks in Tibetan, Video Archive
(134 minutes) In a Facebook Live conversation hosted by Geshe Tenzin Wangyal, esteemed teachers from six spiritual traditions of Tibet discuss how any experience of life — even the most challenging moment of
Jul 19, 2020 | 2020, Conversations Live, Living and Dying, Video Archive
(43 minutes) Looking to the Moment of Final Liberation: a live Internet conversation with Deepak Chopra and Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. The Tibetan dzogchen tradition points to many instances of great meditation practitioners who