June 16, 2022

A live online conversation with Menri Shedrup Khenpo Geshe Nyima Dhondup Rinpoche and co-hosts Geshe Tenzin Wangyal and Jhama Lhamo. Conversation is in Tibetan language with simultaneous interpretation into English and multiple other languages. Access interpretation in English | other languages

The major Buddhist traditions of Tibet have distinctly different teachings and rituals, yet they also share many commonalities, among them the jewel-like teachings of the Five Wisdoms. In Part 2 of an ongoing series of live online broadcasts, our panelists go deeper into the discussion of Part 1 — an April 30, 2022, dialog between esteemed teachers of six Buddhist traditions of Tibet — to further clarify the essence of these ancient teachings.

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About the Five Wisdoms

Many ancient Tibetan traditions refer to wisdom according to five characteristic aspects known as the five wisdoms. For example, the Yungdrung Bön tradition describes wisdom as a state of open awareness that is absent of ego identity, or the mistaken belief in one’s own inherent existence; and it refers to the five wisdoms as the wisdom of emptiness, mirror-like wisdom, wisdom of equanimity, discriminating wisdom and all-accomplishing wisdom. In each broadcast of the series, invited presenters will each present the teachings according to their own tradition’s unique perspective, quoting from original texts and offering commentary and heart advice.


Full Schedule

  • April 30, 2022: Part 1 (six teachers, introduction to the Five Wisdoms) — view recording
  • June 16, 2022: Part 2 (Bön teacher’s perspective) — view above on this page
  • June 25, 2022: Part 3 (six teachers, Mirror-Like Wisdom) — view recording
  • July 21, 2022: Part 4 (Nyingma teacher’s perspective) — view recording
  • August 20, 2022: Part 5 (six teachers, Wisdom of Equanimity) — view recording
  • September 18, 2022: Part 6 (Kagyu teacher’s perspective) — view recording
  • November 5, 2022: Part 7 (six teachers, Discriminating Wisdom) — view recording
  • December 17, 2022: Part 8 (Sakya teacher’s perspective) — view recording
  • February 26, 2023: Part 9 (six teachers, All-Accomplishing Wisdom & Wisdom of Emptiness) — view recording


About the Panelists


Menri Shedrup Khenpo Geshe Nyima Dhondup Rinpoche (Bön) is abbot of the Bön Dialectic School at Menri Monastery in Dolanji, India. He was born in 1978 in Delhi, India. His birth name, Tsering Dhondup, was bestowed on him by Tsondue Rinpoche, one of the greatest Bön masters of the 20th century. After completing more than 15 years’ study of Bön sutra, tantra, dzogchen and the five major and minor sciences of the Bön tradition, Nyima Rinpoche received his geshe Degree in the spring of 2006. In 2008 Rinpoche was enthroned as Menri Shedrup Lopon, the principal master of the Bön Dialectic School at Menri Monastery, where he has been teaching for more than 15 years. In February 2012 he was enthroned as the Menri Shedrup Khenpo, the Abbot of the Bön Dialectic School. Rinpoche has served as invited speaker for several major Bön and Buddhist conferences. He is author of three books covering the main philosophical teachings of Bön, and has contributed several articles to Bon-sGo, the journal of Menri Monastery in India; and the Himalayan Bön website in Tibet. He has taken on additional responsibilities as General Secretary of the Governing Council of Menri Monastery, and since 2011, as director of Menri’s official website, www.theyungdrungbon.com. In 2014 he visited Tibet and blessed many Bon followers and practitioners.
About Bön and its lineage | About Menri Monastery


Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche (co-host) was born in India in 1961, following his parents’ journey from Tibet to India in 1959. At age 11 he began formal studies as a monk at Menri Monastery near Dolanji, India, where he completed an 11-year course of traditional studies at the Bön Dialectic School. He was awarded his geshe degree in 1986. He now lives as a householder, and has been living and teaching in the West for more than 30 years. An accomplished scholar in all aspects of sutra, tantra and dzogchen, Rinpoche is an acclaimed author and a respected teacher of students worldwide. As the founder and spiritual director of Ligmincha International, Rinpoche has established numerous centers and institutes of learning in the United States, Mexico, South America, Europe and India. Fluent in English, he regularly offers online teachings in the form of live webcasts, online workshops and YouTube videos. He is renowned for his depth of wisdom; his clear, engaging teaching style; and his dedication to making the ancient Tibetan teachings highly accessible and relevant to the lives of Westerners. More about Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche


Jhama Lhamo (co-host) of Solan, India, completed her high school education at Tibetan Children’s Village School in Bangalore, South India. She is now pursuing her bachelor of pharmacy degree at Shoolini University, Himachal Pradesh, India.