May 4, 2023
Join Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche for a live online teaching as we begin Month 3 of his new yearlong program, “Embracing Life with Wisdom & Compassion.” Free and open to all! Our focus this month is on meeting any loneliness we may experience in our body, speech, and mind with openness and warmth, clearing and opening a deeper, more fulfilling sense of connection to ourselves and others.
View recording on Facebook. Also available via The CyberSangha Podcast on your favorite podcast platform.
In advance of the broadcast Rinpoche encourages creating a bit of space for meditation in your house — in a quiet, peaceful location where you can feel some sense of warmth and connection to yourself. You might provide a comfortable cushion to sit on, and a candle or stick of incense. A supportive outer space can support your inner space during meditation.
- Friday, May 5, 10 a.m. New York time: 24-Hour Full Moon Practice, “Embracing Loneliness, Cultivating Connection.” Opens with a teaching and meditation guided by Marcy Vaughn.
- Thursday, May 11, 12 noon NY time: Science & Spirituality Dialog, “Spacious Embrace: When Feeling Lonely, Find the Friend Within.” A live online conversation with Sharon Salzberg, Emily Lindsay, Ph.D., Geshe Tenzin Wangyal, and host Alejandro Chaoul-Reich, Ph.D.
- • NEW! Begins Friday, May 12: a free, month-long interactive online course, “Embracing Loneliness, Cultivating Connection.” Four Fridays at 12 noon New York time with Aleezé Sattar Moss, via Zoom. Class size is limited. Includes weekly small-group sessions.
- More about the new yearlong program
Merci d’indiquer les coordonnéés
en ligne pour le 4 mai
Dear Blanc, to view the broadcast, just visit this page ( at the scheduled time. If the livestream doesn’t appear at that time (sometimes it begins late), try refreshing the page. Or, you can view the broadcast live on the Facebook page of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, at
There is more information on how to participate here:
I hope this helps! — Polly
Looking forward to healing
Me interesa este regalo del maestro. Cómo me inscribo para poder entrar? Thanks you!
Alejandra Vargas
Dear Alejandra, with some exceptions (notably the 24-Hour Full Moon Practice), there is no need to register for Rinpoche’s CyberSangha broadcasts. To access the viewing screen at the scheduled time, you can simply visit the page at devoted to the specific live broadcast you wish to view. If the screen doesn’t appear at the scheduled time, try reloading the page.
You can also visit Rinpoche’s Facebook page at the time of the broadcast to view it there instead. If you’re not a Facebook member, a pop-up window may prompt you to login; simply close that window to continue as a visitor. I hope this helps!