Materials to support your practice of “Meditation on Resting in the Stillness of the Body” have been translated into multiple languages and can be accessed below. This practice is part of the 24-Hour Full Moon Practice on “Finding Peace through Stillness of the Body” (2021). Note that any page of this website can be automatically translated into the language of your choice by clicking the “Translate” link (globe icon) in the top menu. The Google Translate tool isn’t perfect, but it can help you to navigate the site.
More information about the 24-Hour Full Moon Practice


Meditation über das Verweilen in der Ruhe des Körpers

Meditation on Resting in the Stillness of the Body

Meditación sobre el Descanso en la Quietud del Cuerpo

Méditation sur le repos dans l’immobilité du corps
À propos des pratiques

Korean 한국어
몸 의 고요함, 그 속에서 휴식하는 명상

Meditáció–Belepihenés a test elnyugodottságába

Meditatie op Rusten in de Kalmte van het Lichaam

Meditação deDescansarna Quietude do Corpo

Kehon pysähtyneisyydessä lepäämisen meditaatio