Materials to support your practice of “Through Stillness, Awaken Clear, Positive Action” have been translated into multiple languages and can be accessed below. This practice is part of the 24-Hour Full Moon Practice (Month of the Body, 2022-3). Note that any page of this website can be automatically translated into the language of your choice by clicking the “Translate” link (globe icon) in the top menu. The Google Translate tool isn’t perfect, but it can help you to navigate the site.


Meditation: Through Stillness, Awaken Clear, Positive Action

Meditation: Durch Ruhe klares, positives Handeln erwecken

Meditacion: A traves de la quietud, despierta una accion clara y positiva

Méditation: Par la tranquillité, éveillez l’action claire et positive

Korean 한국어
고요함에 머무는 명상은 명료하고 긍정적인 행동을 일깨운다.

Meditáció: az elnyugodottság-, és a felébredett tiszta, pozitív cselekvés révén

Meditatie: Door Kalmte, Ontwaakte Heldere, Positieve Actie

Medytacja: Trwanie w nieporuszonym stanie, kt re budzi klarowne oraz pozytywne działanie

Meditação: Através da Quietude, Despertar Ação Clara, Positiva

Russian русский
Медитация: через неподвижность пробудите ясное, позитивное действие

Meditaatio: Levollisuuden kautta, herätä kirkas, positiivinen toiminta