Dec 30, 2020

During the full moon of December 30, 2020, join us online for meditation followed by a 24-hour mantra recitation session. The session offers a precious opportunity to engage in reciting and connecting deeply with the Mantra of Purification (DU TRI SU mantra), one of the Three Heart Mantras of Bön. The session begins at 10 a.m. New York time on the day of the full moon and ends at 10 a.m. the following day. We will be supported by Ligmincha International’s global community of practitioners.

The 24-hour session begins with a visualization guided by Alejandro Chaoul-Reich, and is followed by alternating periods of mantra recitation and silent contemplation, as well as additional periodic guided visualizations. (See “About the Practices,” below.) Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and Ligmincha lamas will take opportunities to join participants throughout the 24 hours.

Unlike Rinpoche’s CyberSangha® Facebook Live broadcasts, the 24-hour full moon practice takes place via Zoom, in an online meeting space. There is no cost to participate, but registration is required in advance of the 24-hour session.



To stay informed of future 24-hour full moon practice sessions, subscribe to the CyberSangha Announcements email list.

Scheduled Full Moon Dates

In the Tibetan tradition, many sacred rituals and practices, including the celebration of the Tibetan New Year, coincide with the phases of the moon. It is said that the beneficial effects of one’s meditation practice multiply exponentially at the time of the full moon. Eleven 24-hour practice sessions have been scheduled in 2020 to coincide with the full moon. The dates are listed below. Each session starts at 10 a.m. New York time and concludes at 10 a.m. the following day. If you are in a different time zone, to confirm the correct time conversion visit—or, go to and search for “time New York” to see what time it is now in New York (Eastern time U.S.).

  • Monday, March 9
  • Wednesday, April 8
  • Thursday, May 7
  • Friday, June 5
  • Sunday, July 5
  • Monday, August 3
  • Wednesday, September 2
  • Thursday, October 1
  • Saturday, October 31*
  • Monday, November 30
  • Wednesday, December 30

*In the United States, daylight saving time ends on Sunday, November 1, 2020, so be sure to take this one-hour difference into account when determining the time conversion for the October 31 – November 1 full moon practice.

December 30 Host Countries

From December 30 to 31, 2020, 16 teams of mantra recitation hosts from Ligmincha International communities will each commit to a 90-minute shift during the full moon Zoom session to ensure that the practice continues uninterrupted throughout the 24-hours. Each shift will begin with a 15- to 30-minute session of visualization guided by a mantra host in his or her native language. Listed according to the start time of each shift (New York time), these teams may include:

  1. 10:00 USA
  2. 11:30 Finland
  3. 13:00 Germany
  4. 14:30 Austria, Italy
  5. 16:00 Poland, Russia
  6. 17:30 Brazil, Portugal
  7. 19:00 Argentina, Colombia, Peru
  8. 20:30 Costa Rica
  9. 22:00 Mexico
  10. 23:30 USA (California)
  11. 01:00 The Netherlands
  12. 02:30 Switzerland
  13. 04:00 Hungary
  14. 05:30 France
  15. 07:00 Korea
  16. 08:30 Spain
About the Practices

The Three Heart Mantras — the Mantra of Clear Light, Mantra of Purification, and Mantra of Liberation — are core practices of the Tibetan Bön tradition. It is said that these three mantras together embody all the teachings of Bön. Mantras are sacred sounds. While they have meaning, it is their vibration or resonance that is most important. Each of the three mantras helps us connect to and manifest different qualities of the buddhas and our own inherent nature, and can help us to release subtle obscurations of body, speech, and mind.

To start each full moon session of October 31, November 30, and December 30, Marcy Vaughn or Alejandro Chaoul-Reich guides us in a 30-minute practice of visualization, contemplation, and recitation of one of the Three Heart Mantras. As the formal practice session ends, designated mantra recitation hosts continue to guide participants in 15-minute sessions of mantra recitation alternating with 15 minutes of silence to support us in connecting deeply and remaining present with the mantra’s meaning and qualities. As the next shift of mantra hosts begins, the primary host guides us in a 15-minute visualization, then continues as before with alternating sessions of mantra recitation and silence until the next shift begins. This cycle will continue uninterrupted for the remainder of the 24 hours.

For those who enter the session before or after a guided visualization, it’s suggested that they begin their personal practice by engaging in the visualization on their own before reciting the mantra. See “Practice Resources,” below, for the instructions and guidance needed to do the visualization practice and recite the mantras. It’s recommended that all participants review them in advance of each 24-hour session.

Practice Resources

These resources can support you in the visualization and recitation of the Three Heart Mantras and in the practice of silent contemplation. See “Available Translations,” below, for translated materials in multiple languages.


The Mantra of Clear Light (October 31, 2020)

Also known as the SA LÉ Ö mantra, the Mantra of Clear Light is:


This mantra is specifically related to the dzogchen view. Each of its syllables has a particular meaning and energetic resonance. Ultimately, the mantra evokes the essence of one’s own mind. Reciting this mantra supports the practitioner to recognize and rest in the nature of mind, deepening clarity, stability, and wisdom.


The Mantra of Liberation (November 30, 2020)

Also known as the Great Mantra, or MA TRI mantra, the Mantra of Liberation is:


The Great Mantra is the invocation of the Buddha Tonpa Shenrap and his consort Sherap Chamma, as well as the six manifestations of Tonpa Shenrap who appear in the six lokas, or six realms of cyclic existence, in order to alleviate the suffering of all beings. Reciting this mantra supports the practitioner to purify their negative emotions and manifest the wisdom qualities of the six lokas for the benefit of all who suffer. In addition, this mantra is recited as support for those who have died and is recited throughout the 49 days of the bardo (the intermediate state between death and rebirth).


The Mantra of Purification (December 30, 2020)

Also known as the DU TRI SU mantra, the Mantra of Purification is:


Reciting this mantra supports the practitioner to clear external and internal obstacles to health, well-being, and realization.



​The Fullness of Silence (date to be announced)

In the Tibetan tradition, the silence of speech (along with the stillness of the body and spaciousness of the mind) is considered one of the three doors to enlightenment. Through allowing our voice to rest in silence, we draw attention to inner silence and release any sense of effort or struggle. A doorway to deep inner peace, resting in silence allows the light of pure awareness to dawn, awareness that illuminates the source of positive qualities within us and all beings.

Guidelines for Participants

Advance registration is required for each 24-hour full moon session. We ask you to review the following guidelines before registering to make this gathering a supportive experience for everyone:

  • To create and sustain sacred space, enter the session with respect and awareness. Turn on your camera if it doesn’t turn on automatically upon entering the room. By seeing one another we can feel each other’s presence and support. Please be mindful of what appears on your screen to avoid creating distractions. All microphones will be muted by default except those of designated practice leaders.
  • You are welcome to enter the Zoom session beginning at any time during the 24-hour period and as often as you like. But please join for at least 30 minutes at a time. If you enter after the initial guided meditation is over, we suggest that you begin your personal practice by engaging in the meditation/visualization on your own before participating (see “Practice Resources”).
  • When you register for a given 24-hour Zoom session, you will be sent a unique link enabling you to enter that session. You must register to participate. If you know others who might like to participate, refer them to so they can learn more and register.



Available Translations

Materials to support your practice will be translated into multiple languages and made accessible via these links as soon as they are available. Note that any page of this website can be automatically translated into the language of your choice by clicking the “Translate” link (globe icon) in the top menu. The Google Translate tool isn’t perfect, but it can help you to navigate the site.


About Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche is a teacher, acclaimed author, and meditation master in the Tibetan Bön Buddhist tradition. As the founder and spiritual director of Ligmincha International, he has established numerous centers and institutes of learning in the United States, Mexico, South America, Europe and India. Fluent in English, Rinpoche regularly offers online teachings in the form of live webcasts, online workshops and YouTube videos. He is renowned for his warmth and depth of wisdom; his clear, engaging teaching style; and his dedication to making the ancient Tibetan teachings highly accessible and relevant to the lives of Westerners. Learn more

About Alejandro Chaoul-Reich

Alejandro Chaoul-Reich has studied in the Tibetan traditions since 1989, and for nearly 30 years in the Bön Tradition with Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche, His Holiness Lungtok Tenpai Nyima Rinpoche, and Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. He holds a Ph.D. in Tibetan religions from Rice University and is the director of the Mind Body Spirit Institute at the Jung Center of Houston. For the last 20 years he has been teaching and researching the benefits of Tibetan mind-body practices for people touched by cancer. Alejandro is a Contemplative Fellow at the Mind & Life Institute, and is the author of Chöd Practice in the Bön Tradition (Snow Lion, 2009) and Tibetan Yoga for Health & Well-Being (Hay House, 2018).


Having trouble connecting to the Zoom session? Visit these links for guidance. Note: Only designated practice leaders will have their microphones enabled.
Video/camera not working | Can’t hear the practice leaders/speaker issues

If you lose your unique link for entering the Zoom session after registering for a given 24-hour practice, simply register again using the “Register Now” button on this page, and you’ll be re-sent the link.

Questions about the Full Moon series?
Contact us
