Video Archives
Enjoy recordings of live broadcasts with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and invited guests
Embracing Ignorance, Cultivating Wisdom
Join Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche for a live online teaching as we begin Month 6 of his yearlong program, “Embracing Life with Wisdom & Compassion.” Free and open to all! Our focus this month is on meeting any ignorance we may experience in
Fierce Love: Honoring and Transforming Anger
A live online conversation with renowned teacher, scholar and author Robert Thurman, Ph.D.; distinguished researcher and author Barbara Fredrickson, Ph.D.; Tibetan meditation master Geshe Tenzin Wangyal; and host Alejandro Chaoul-Reich, Ph.D.
Profiles in Generosity: Sharing Loving-Kindness through Organ Donation
Our panelists share with host Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche two very personal stories of kidney donation as an expression of selfless love and generosity.
‘One Taste’ Series
In March 2023, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche gave teachings on the Five Wisdoms from the Great Stupa for World Peace in Valle de Bravo, Mexico. A series of 10 excerpts from the teachings, entitled “One Taste,” has been made available for
Embracing Anger, Cultivating Love
Join Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche for a live online teaching as we begin Month 5 of his yearlong program, “Embracing Life with Wisdom & Compassion.” Free and open to all! Our focus this month is on meeting any anger we may experience in
The Spirit of Generosity: To Give from the Heart, First Learn to Let Go
A live online conversation with Roshi Joan Halifax, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, and host Alejandro Chaoul-Reich. To be truly generous of spirit, we must loosen our attachments — not only to what we are giving, but also to our
Thursday, June 1, 2023, 12 noon New York time: “Embracing Attachment, Cultivating Generosity”
Join Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche for a live online teaching as we begin Month 4 of his new yearlong program, “Embracing Life with Wisdom & Compassion.” Free and open to all! Our focus this month is on meeting any sense of attachment
Spacious Embrace: When Feeling Lonely, Find the Friend Within
A live online conversation with renowned teacher and author Sharon Salzberg, researcher Emily Lindsay, Ph.D.; Tibetan meditation master Geshe Tenzin Wangyal; and host Alejandro Chaoul-Reich, Ph.D.
Embracing Loneliness, Cultivating Connection
Join Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche for a live online teaching as we begin Month 3 of his new yearlong program, “Embracing Life with Wisdom & Compassion.” Free and open to all! Our focus this month is on meeting any loneliness we
Breaking the Cycle of Anxiety: Finding Calm Within the Storm
We welcome you to join us online as experts from the realms of science and spirituality share their best practices for living with and healing from anxiety. Nearly everyone is familiar with the sense of tension, worry, and