Begins Wednesday, June 5, 2024: “Exploring Inner Refuge in Community,” Free Interactive Online Course


This free, four-week interactive course is designed to accompany the 24-Hour Full Moon Practice of May 22-23 and June 21-22, 2024. Open to all.

In this course we will explore inner refuge and the supports of body, speech, and mind. Through the door of stillness, we can experience the quality and expanse of being. Through the door of silence, we practice with our relationship with outer sound as well as inner commentary. As we become aware of our heightened attention to sounds and voices, we have the opportunity to release that attention and turn directly to the experience of silence, aware of the source of being. And through the door of the mind we bring the focus of practice into our heart space. As we breathe, rest, and release from the heart, our identities and stories can also breathe, rest, and release.

Through each door of body, speech, and mind, we have the opportunity to meet whatever is arising, allowing it to loosen and release as we rest, abiding in the stillness, silence, and spaciousness of being — the inner refuge. Inner refuge allows us to experience ourselves directly and nakedly and to start to honor and dissolve some of the ways we disconnect from the source of being. In this supportive group environment, we will explore the doorways and obstacles to inner refuge to discover a kinder way of being with ourselves and with our communities.

Classes take place via Zoom on four consecutive Wednesdays beginning June 5, 2024. Each 90-minute class begins at 12 noon New York time. There is no fee to attend. Between weekly group sessions we ask participants to engage in daily meditation practice, both formally and informally. To register please complete the form below. You will receive an email from the instructor to confirm your participation in the program.

Access other offerings of the Full Moon program.


About the Instructor


Phil Tonne has studied with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche under the mentorship of Marcy Vaughn for more than 10 years. During this time Phil has focused on practices of The 3 Doors and trained as a presenter and teacher within the organization. His love of nature has led to a lifelong investigation of the world around him, including studying and advocating for the protection of rare plants, animals and landscapes. Each year Phil organizes botanical field crews who study vegetation along the Rio Grande near his home in Albuquerque, N.M. He considers both field work and meditation to be about discovering where we are.

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